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Perspectives on computer programming for the humanities.Originally published in Text technology 7, 1: 1–17 with an updated version available on this project site.
Ešče raz o X glaveMoskovskij puškinist: Ezegod. sb., vyp. 2. S. 292–304. Moscow: Nasledie. Onegina: Opyt matematičeskogo analiza.
Algoritmy kompleksnogo analiza russkix poètičeskix tekstov s cel′ju avtomatizacii processa sozdanija metričeskix spravocnikov i konkordansov.Trudy XVII Meždunarodnoj konferencii DAMDID/RCDL’2015
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Automated approach for rhythm analysis of French literary texts.Proceeding of the 15th conference of FRUCT association. (Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications.) pp. 15–23.
Avtomatičeskij analiz metriki russkogo stixa.AKD.
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On the Romanian rhyme detection.2012. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration papers, pp. 87–94, COLING 2012, Mumbai, December 2012.
Rhythmic entropy as a measure of rhythmic diversity (The example of the Russian iambic tetrameter).Studia metrica et poetica 3.1, 2016, 33–52. doi:
Automatic analysis of rhythmic poetry with applications to generation and translation.Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA, 9-11 October 2010. pp. 524–533,
Poètičeskij korpus v ramkax Nacional′nogo korpusa russkogo jazyka: obščaja struktura i perspektivy issledovanija.
Using automated rhyme detection to characterize rhyming style in rap music.Empirical musicology review, vol. 5, no. 4. 121–45.
Analysis of a phonetic and rule based algorithm approach to determine rhyme categories and patterns in verse.M.S. diss., Open University. (Technical report no 2007/23.)
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Avtomatičeskij analiz stixa v sisteme STARLNG.Proceedings of Dialog 2006.
The Russian iambic tetrameter: The problem of description (Prolegomena to a new paradigm).Studia metrica et poetica 3.2, 2016, 99–127. doi:
RhymeDesign: a tool for analyzing sonic devices in poetry.Proceedings of NAACL-HLT fourth workshop on computational linguistics for literature Denver, Colorado, June 4, 2015, pages 12–22. Available on line at and
Grammatical rhymes in Polish poetry: A quantitative analysis.Digital scholarship in the humanities, vol. 30, no. 4. 589–98.
Automated analysis of poetic texts and the problem of verse meter.Current trends in metrical analysis. Bern; Berlin [etc.]. pp. 133–40. (Littera: Studies in language and literature = Studien zur Sprache und Literatur; Vol. / Bd. 2).
Avtomatičeskoe raspoznavanie metra: problemy i rešenija.Slavjanskij stix, v. 9. pp. 492–98. M.: Rukopisnye pamjatniki Drevnej Rusi.
Semantic halo of a meter: a keyword-based approach.Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: proceedings of the international conference
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Automated analysis of Bangla poetry for classification and poet identification.Presented at ICON-2015: International Conference on NLP.
To separate or not to separate: Stanza boundaries and poetic structure.Studia metrica et poetica 3.2, 2016, 32–49. doi:
The shortest species: how the length of Russian poetry changed (1750–1921).Studia metrica et poetica 4.1, 2017, 66–84.
Strofika Puškina.Puškin: issledovanija i materialy 2. Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR. Available on line at
Towards the concept of semantic halo.Studia metrica et poetica 4.2, 2017, 41–66. https://doi:
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Charts, graphs, and meaning: Kiril Taranovsky and the study of Russian versification.Slavic and East European journal 59, 2: 178–93.
Frontiers in Comparative Metrics 2, in memoriam Lucyllae Pszczołowskae (April 19–20, 2014, Tallinn University, Estonia). Studia metrica et ooetica 1.2(2014), 144–57. (Conference report.)